Like most 'peacetime wars' it did not conform to preconceived ideas. 如同大多数“和平时代的战争”一样,这与我们的预想不同。
The study revealed how racism can be subconscious, because it comes from preconceived ideas. 这项研究说明了潜意识中人们存在多么严重的种族歧视。
Because of their preconceived ideas. 那是由于他们先入为主的想法。
A lot of the times people have preconceived ideas that they don't like a particular kind of food but if they try a bit, there is a possibility they might love it. 很多时辰,因为偏见人们不喜欢吃某种特定的食品,但要是他们乐意先考试测验一点,很年夜概会变得爱吃它了。
My friend, drop all of your preconceived fixed ideas and be neutral. 朋友,放下你所有先入为主的固有成见,保持中立。
A singer, a percussionist, a bass player, a pianist and some insanely talented tap dancers collaborate in this fresh, fun experiment that will challenge your preconceived ideas about tap. 一个歌手,一个鼓手,一个低音结他手,一个钢琴手,还有一班创意无边际的踢跶舞者,带你跳出踢跶舞的框框。
One acts according to preconceived ideas or ideals, so one is acting always from either accumulated knowledge, which is the past, or from an idealistic future, a utopia. 人的行动总是基于累积的知识,即过去,或基于一个理想化的未来,一个乌托邦。
You argue with yourself, and your meditation has to give way to your preconceived ideas. 你与自己争辩,你的观照不得不臣服于已预先形成的观念。
You also probably have preconceived ideas from having met Americans before or from films and televison programs that color your impression of what Americans are and what they do. 你可能由于以前遇到过的美国人,或者从影视节目中对美国人有了先入之见,使你对美国人是什么样子以及他们的所作所为的印象带上了有色眼镜。
I'm not launching this inquiry with any preconceived ideas& I simply want to gather all the evidence. 我不会以事先形成的观点来开展调查&我只想收集所有的证据。
Truth-This is one of the toughest myths to answer because of all the preconceived ideas that conventional tennis lessons, books, and tapes have instilled in most players. 因为通过一些传统网球课程、书以及录像带来学习已经成为了公认的想法,所以大家对这个“神话”的回答很肯定。
The profound question and answer between master and the disciple pinpointed many worldly illusions and preconceived ideas, which were indeed worthwhile for us to think about. 师徒一问一答,破解了许多世界的假象及一成不变的想法,十分耐人寻味。
There was one tendentious problem in the study of Chinese thoughts history in the twentieth century. It ignored the society circumstances and the times backgrounds, explained the thoughts of the ancients by the subjective imaginations, guess and the metaphysical preconceived ideas. 二十世纪中国思想史研究中的一个倾向性问题是忽略思想产生的社会环境和时代背景,用主观的想象和臆测,用形而上学的先验之见解释古人的思想。
The three factors require us to interpret CISG autonomously and on basis of international legal infrastructure, abandon all preconceived ideas from domestic law, meanwhile develop value interpretation function of good faith to achieve the purpose of promoting good faith in international trade. 第一款揭示的解释三要素要求《公约》的自治解释,摈弃国内法成见在国际法律基础上解释《公约》,同时发挥诚信的价值解释功能,通过解释达到促进国际贸易中的诚信的目标。